Dear little me…

Mahima Mahesh
3 min readApr 7, 2022
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I haven’t been writing a lot lately, mostly because I was going through a rather busy phase, but also partly because my head was in dire need of a reboot. It was getting so nastily messy up there that I actually had to turn into Monica Geller to tidy it all up. After all, we’re just complex machines, aren’t we?

Amidst all the detox, I realized something significant. As a matter of fact, we can see that majority of us Millennials are unhappy with some aspect of our lives or another. Some hate their mundane jobs, some regret not following their hearts, some ceaselessly crave love, and a lot of us might even fall under the category “all of the above”. But as we continue to lead a life of remorse, do we ever wonder why something did not happen the way we desired, rather than pondering over what went wrong? — I fear not. The reason behind this, I believe, is that as kids, we always thought only of the best-case scenarios (haha, the programmer in me has yet again meekly crept in with a technical term, excuse her.), and did not prepare our minds to endure the worse.

So, if I could somehow go back in time to have a word with the younger me, I’d just say, “Dear little me, I know you beaver away to be the best, and you’re indeed perfect the way you are. But sometimes, you may not get what you deserve, plainly because, there’s a bigger hurdle you need to cross to earn it, just like in a video game. Do not give up. Keep moving, even if things seem bleak, for we can only hope they get better eventually. Also, the friends you have now are as pristine and pure as you are, but they won’t stay the same. You’ll form new bonds, You’ll also lose some old bonds. People change with the passage of time. Some might even change a lot. But that doesn’t mean you need to change as well. There will be times when you will be betrayed, hurt and frowned upon. You might shower enormous care on someone, and they might not even reciprocate a tiny sliver of it. You might love someone with all your heart, and they might ruthlessly hurt you. Be sure to never cross oceans for the ones who cannot jump puddles for you. Stay kind, but also stay alert. And if you ever feel out of place, do not force yourself to fit in, pave your own path, righteously. And remember, everything does happen for a reason.” — This little speech, I guess, might indeed be a beacon of hope to the innocent, little me, as she wades through the cruel streams of darkness and doubt. It really would be great to travel back in time and save our younger selves from the harsh realities of life in the journey they’re about to embark upon, would it not? Above all, if we do not look out for ourselves, who else will?



Mahima Mahesh

Techie, Orator, Yoga performer. I think. A lot. When ruminations run deep, I pen them down.