If it’s meant to be, it will be

Mahima Mahesh
2 min readJun 6, 2021


image courtesy: Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, an American science-fiction

I was never a fan of this saying/proverb until a few days back. As a methodical person, I’ve always believed that “fate” and “destiny” are merely terms coined up by a group of loafed up individuals who never had the will to get past their territories of comfort. As far as I know, if we set our heart on something and fervently work in the right direction, we could certainly earn it, sooner or later.

I vividly remember this incident — when I was five, I was just a hushed kid who was all good and nice in alphabets and numbers, but was tremendously petrified of talking to large groups of people. I remember going up on my school’s stage, with a script of “A bundle of sticks” in my incessantly trembling, clammy little hands. There were about a hundred people in front of me. All I could ever think was, “When will I get down?”. Yet, not only did I manage to overcome my irrational fear of talking, but also made it a point to win every single oratorical or debate competition that I had been to ever since, be it on a city, state or national level. I earnestly presumed that if I constantly worked towards my betterment, I’d get there in due course of time. Leaving my life to fate and chance had never been an option to me.

Anyway, I happened to watch this series called “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency” last week, and my aforesaid credence was immediately shattered to the hilt. To give you a brief outline, Dirk was a detective, who believed in the holistic functioning of the universe. Unlike Sherlock Holmes, he never followed the conventional path of deductive reasoning, instead, he completely believed that everything is interconnected. He never went in search of cases or clues, instead, they reached him somehow, and he ended up solving the case every time — just by going with the flow. The plot and screenplay were convincingly pragmatic, which made me ruminate on this aspect of life.

Having said that, yes, we indeed have to stay laborious and undeterred, but we also need not fret so much about things beyond our control. All we need to do is believe in ourselves and keep progressing, without worrying about the consequences. Everything gets connected at some point and if it’s meant to be, it will be.



Mahima Mahesh

Techie, Orator, Yoga performer. I think. A lot. When ruminations run deep, I pen them down.